Submitted by tdodson on June 17, 2012 - 9:14pm
Submitted by tdodson on February 25, 2012 - 1:56pm
lt's easy to recognize the artistry in a good book cover, but book interiors require at least as much attention. In this case study, I explain my process for the interior design for an anthology of the best fiction and poetry published in New England.
Submitted by tdodson on January 20, 2012 - 8:13pm
Aside from having something to say, the first thing you need to start podcasting is a microphone. Here are some tips for choosing the right microphone for your podcast.
Submitted by tdodson on December 6, 2011 - 10:45am
Champs Not Chumps is an audiopodcast featuring interviews with people who are pursuing creative, social, or intellectual projects. So far, we’ve done episodes on alternative comics, flash fiction, accessable farming, teaching meditation to kids, you name it. We wanted our listeners to be able to engage with the show beyond just listening to the episodes, and Drupal provided us with an open source platform to feed the podcast and provide a web presence for the show.