Best Indie Lit New England

In February 2012, I gathered together editors of New England literary magazines and proposed that we collaborate on a print anthology series showcasing the best fiction and poetry published by our respective journals.  The result was the first volume of Best Indie Lit New England (BILiNE). On October 31, 2014, we successfully concluded our latest Kickstarter campaign, raising over $1,500 to fund the publication of the second volume.

I served as the executive editor of the series and managed the project. In this role, I directed the fundraising campaign, organized the submission and selection process, and coordinated the efforts of editors across six states. I also oversaw event planning, marketing, and distribution.

In my role as a designer, I crafted the print editions of the book, coded the ebook editions, and produce promotional media (including shooting and editing our Kickstarter video).